Jekyll on Fedora 34 and Missing Webrick Dependency

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Jekyll on Fedora 34 and Missing Webrick Dependency

So I recently decided that I should get into updating my website a little bit but quickly run into the problem that I just couldn't get it to work through following the guide in the Jekyll template that I was using. So here comes a quick guide of how I got it to work for me.

Setup Ruby

First step is to install Ruby, just installing Ruby is not enough. As some of the dependencies are compiled locally we also need some of the under lying tools.

sudo dnf install ruby ruby-devel openssl-devel @development-tools gcc-c++

Next step is to install the Bundler tool to manage Ruby packages.

sudo gem install bundler

I also highly recommend that set Bundler to use a local path when working. Otherwise we can end up in version collisions. Don't forget to add the folder vendor to your .gitignore.

bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'

In theory we should now have everything set but it seems that in current version of Jekyll that ships on Fedora one crucial dependency is missing. Webrick, the http server that Jekyll uses for you to host the website locally while you work on the your site. We need to add that to bundle first before installing.

bundle add webrick

Now we can continue to download all the dependencies.

bundle install

Running Jekyll

We now ask Bundler to run Jekyll for us.

bundle exec jekyll serve

Your site is now hosted on http://localhost:4000

Closing words

I'm a quite a newbie working with Jekyll. My way of working has always been download a template, update the config file, send it to GitHub and hope for the best. So a lot of this was through hours of googling and brute force.

Hope you have a more pain free installation than me :)